Hi, I am new to RS250A and trying to create my account through the app (IOS). I ensure nickname is available. Check the box for agreement and click sign up. The app crashes. It’s frustrating as I must have done it at least 50 times.
I have tried to create the account using the app as well as the device directly. App crashes still. On the device I follow the step 1) email 2) nickname 3) password 4) confirm. It prompts “please make sure your name is duplicate”. When I press the tab “check for duplication” nothing happens.
Why is a nickname so necessary?
J'ai acheté un RS 150B la semaine dernière et je rencontre exactement le même problème que Gaga****. Impossible de m'inscrire alors qu mon mot de passe est accepté (conforme au format exigé). De plus, ma télécommande ne semble rien télécommander (j'ai évidemment mis les piles livrées avec et qui fonctionnent).
Hi, I am new to RS250A and trying to create my account through the app (IOS). I ensure nickname is available. Check the box for agreement and click sign up. The app crashes. It’s frustrating as I must have done it at least 50 times.