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General.Volume level getting low after shutdown rose rs250 and turn on

29 Dec 2022
Views 819


I have hifi rose rs250

My streamer connected  to the external  DAC by coax and usb cables.

I have admitted  that volume level getting lower then  normal after complet turn off  streamer  and turn on it back.

The volume back normal after you switch  digital connectivity  from coax to usb or vice versa and establish  communicationwith spotify. 

Recently  I got software update and it doesn't  solve the problem.

Current  the soft is 4.4 

This is my first  problem.

The second problem is the weak wi fi connectivity. 

The wi fi connection  stable only  when streamer physically  close to the router. I mean about 1 meter. 

Are you  familiar with this  problems?



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