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ROSETUBERS150B “Rose Server Connecter Failed” Error message

9 May 2023
Views 707

Posted comment under another thread but creating new post for HiFi Rose support visibility.

I have a similar issue as original poster Larry123. RS150B displayed “Rose Server Connection Failed.” The unit is connected via Ethernet and/or Wi-Fi. Both connections displayed the same error message. However, Tidal is connected and I’m able to play selected tracks which means that Ethernet/WiFi connections are connected correctly. RoseTube and other Rose selections continue to display the same error message. Oddly, when using the hot spot via the iPhone 13, the RS150B connects successfully and I am able to connect to RoseTube and like services.  

Hifi Rose support has been very responsive and helping to troubleshoot and still pending as of this post. After resetting modem, router, disconnecting power, factory reset, etc…still no resolution. Firmware is current version 4.5x.

All my home devices work flawlessly with Router Wi-Fi and Ethernet. No issues. And with RS150B able to play subscribed Tidal tracks, that means Ethernet/WiFi works and appears RS150B is the culprit refusing to recognize Ethernet/WiFi even though it’s connected.

Hoping HiFi Rose can identify the main issue as other users may be experiencing as well.

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