I have to come back on this as the issue is repeated several times the last two weeks. I lose all playlists, albums etc in tidal, and the only way to correct for this, is to logout and log in again…
I don’t know about other music streams as I do not use those (no playlists).
A solution would be appreciated
Hi , Just purchased a RS150B in canada. All my playlists previously saved on my Tidal account do NOT show on the iphone App (iphone 13 Pro) and also on the Rose streamer. How can I fix this?
Hi , Just purchased a RS150B in canada. All my playlists previously saved on my Tidal account do NOT show on the Rose App (I use an iphone 13 Pro) and also do NOT show on the Rose streamer. How can I fix this as I do not want to recreate the playlist on the Rose App, I have a lot of Tidal playlists…
Tidal is not showing any “My playlist” , “Myalbums”, “Mytracks“ etc after my rose150 is turned on from standby.
The only thing I found to correct for this, is to log out and login again. After that everything is shown again In the right way.
Anyone/Rose support with a solution?
thanks !