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General.Schiit Yggdrasil+ OG via S/PDIF Not Working

Tim ****
31 Jan 2024
Views 189

I have been attempting to connect my Hifi Rose 250A to a Schiit Yggdrasil+ OG via a S/PDIF cable and nothing happens.  The cable I am using is a 1M AudioQuest Diamond.  To ensure the issue is not my cable, I switched out an AudioQuest Coffee and a Cardas Audio S/PDIF cable and still nothing.  As a bit of a back story, I had the same issue with a Hifi Rose 250 that I was auditioning about a year ago.  One last detail, any other digital device that I have connected to the Yggdrasil via S/PDIF works perfectly.  Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.    

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