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RoseConnectSMB 1.0 Windows

9 Jan 2021
Views 1969

Yesterday I moved my music library from a Linux NAS to a Windows10 NAS. I activated SMB 1.0 as recommended. Now I can browse the shares on my new NAS and i can play music in RoseConnect. I can also add Folders in RoseConnect. But when I want to acces a folder, RoseConnect asks me again for name and password of the smb-share. When I enter name and password, the RoseConnect app closes. I am using RoseConnect App for IOS. In the App Info I cam see RoseConnect App version 3.02.11 and  App version 3.6.05.

Did I do something wrong, or does RoseConnect have problems with the windows implementation of SMB 1.0?

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