
Updates and news RoseConnect PC (Ver4.14.08) (Win/MAC)

9 Nov 2023
Views 2477

RoseConnect PC Ver 4.14.08 Update

RoseConnect for MAC
Download: RoseConnect for MAC

RoseConnect for Windows
Download: RoseConnect for Windows

  • Update Date: November 9, 2023 (Thu) 16:00 PM (GMT +9)
  • Control Models: RS201(E), RS250(A), RS150(B), RS520, RS130
  • Device Compatibility Version Information: SW Ver. v4.15
  • Version Information: PC Ver. v4.14.08 (Win/MAC)

[Update Details]

  1. System Stabilization and Improvement

A. Fixed the issue where PC Connect message notifications were continuously occurring as the top priority.

  • There was an inconvenience where PC Connect notifications continued to occur and be displayed regardless of usage.
  • Changed to have message notifications occur only when using PC Connect.

B. Removed “RoseFM” item from menu editing.

  • Since Rose FM is not currently added to PC Connect, it has been removed from the menu.
  • If Rose FM functionality is added to PC Connect in the future, it will be made available in menu editing.

C. Other issue fixes

  • Fixed the issue where menu order in menu editing was not changed.
  • Fixed the issue where RoseTube list was displayed when filtering in recent playback tracks.
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